Monday, February 7, 2011

Is Rare dead?

I've been asking myself that quite a few times recently. There hasn't been too
much activity with Rare lately. No worthwhile announcements. No confirmations
on awaited sequels. Nothing. What we did get was a kinect game: kinect sports.

Even there homepage has been slow to update on information. In light of this
new questions come to mind. Is this the future of Rare? Making motion based
games for kinect? It could very well be that way for some time. The reason?
It is my opinion that original hardcore Rare titles would not sell well on
the xbox 360.

If this is true; it would be a pity. Rare is a great developer. As such, Microsoft
should do everything in their power to ensure that they make great games. Instead
of forcing them to make titles that follow the latest fad. Who knows what Rare would
create if they weren't being forced into something?

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