Sunday, February 27, 2011

Nintendo 3DS, and eye strain.

Now that the 3DS has launched in Japan; more cases of eyestrain have been reported. The reports numbers in the thousands, and is likely to increase. Individuals complain of eye strain within thirty minutes, or less of having the 3D function on.

If Nintendo does nothing to fix this; this will likely mark the companies biggest fumble...ever. Such an issue will likely render the 3DS unplayable with it's 3D functionality on. Not to mention; the 3DS has been touted as a glasses free 3D device. What's the point of having 3D if you can't use it?

Nintendo needs to do something, and they need to do it quick. Once the 3DS launches in north America; I have the feeling that people here will be more vocal with their complaints, and it may lead to more complicated matters arising. I suppose Nintendo shouldn't worry. They did have "scientists" approve of the 3DS itself. I'm sure none of this will result in lawsuits.

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