Saturday, February 5, 2011

Monster hunter portable 3rd is not coming to North America.

This isn't an official statement, but it is my opinion that Monster hunter
3rd will not be making an appearance stateside. I have reason to believe that plans for
it's release have been canned. How, and why did I arrive at this conclusion? It's simple.

Capcom themselves have remained silent about the issue altogether. No release dates
have been muttered by any gaming website, and the the title itself has been out in Japan for
an eon already. (Still no talks about a North American release date; only rumors)

I am disappointed in Capcom. The fans have really supported this company, but the
company itself seems to care very little about it's fanbase. Instead of releasing Dark Void,
or Bionic Commando..they should of taken the time to release Monster Hunter portable 3rd.
Instead; we the fans were forced to wait for something that wasn't going to happen. Capcom,
at the very least should have had the decency of saying this: "There won't be a release of
mhp3rd in North America."

Is it really that difficult to make such a statement?

In any case, many fans turned to importing, or piracy. Furthermore, english patches were
developed by several individuals, and are still being worked on to this day. A risk in itself, but
it does show how hardcore North American fans of mhp3rd are. Capcom, take note.


  1. Actually, Capcom is not doing anything new keeping silent respecting a North American release, a taking a while to do it as well. lets see what they have done in the past:

    - Monster Hunter Freedom

    Original release date(s):

    JP December 1, 2005
    NA May 23, 2006
    PAL May 12, 2006
    (Took 5 Months to show up in America)

    - Monster Hunter Freedom 2

    Original release date(s):

    JP February 22, 2007
    NA August 29, 2007
    PAL September 7, 2007

    (Took 6 Months to show up in America)

    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

    Original release date(s):

    JP March 27, 2008
    NA June 23, 2009
    PAL June 26, 2009
    (Took 3 months )

    Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

    Original release date(s):

    JP December 1, 2010
    NA TBA
    So as you can see, its been Four months now (April) so we are still under a waiting window accordingly what has happen before. I give the gave a Max of 2 months to show up, by June we would know for sure what happen with the game, untill then we cannot think that Capcom will simply not release it on the American market (a crazy idea).

  2. @ Angel Mass

    While you make more than a few valid points; I have a strange suspicion that mhp3rd won't be making stateside for other reasons besides the ones that I've previously listed.

    In my opinion, the imminent release of the NGP will effect whether or not this is launched stateside. It would seem pointless for capcom to release this game on a portable that is slowing down in the states. Much less if you take into account the fact that the monster hunter series isn't all that popular in the states.

    We will have to see. An official statement should be made soon.

  3. i heard a rumor that theres a MH3 coming to the PS3.capcom might instaed release the ps3 version of the game here in the US rather than the psp version of the game.
    like the first guy said ,2 more months of waiting, and if nothing happens than it all over!
    i myself would rather have it on the psp s >fingers crossed<

  4. there's still e3, don't forget.

  5. I lost faith....

  6. Well, you can get it fr ps3 if you feel like it.

  7. I heard that mhp3 might be out between July 21st and Dec. 31st

  8. I still have my doubts about it releasing state side.

  9. I heard the same thing the other anonymous guy did don't lose faith would Capcom really disappoint all the fans like this

  10. As of now; I'd have to say that Capcom will not be releasing this in the united states at all.

  11. nooooooooooooo it has to be released i love that game

  12. My theory is that there waiting to release it along with the NGP(PSP 2) & that the games release might have been delayed along with the ngp due to the crisis in japan, atleast thats what im hoping, i dnt think capcom realizes that if they were to make a monster hunter for ps3 or xbox it would be huge

  13. "My theory is that there waiting to release it along with the NGP(PSP 2) & that the games release might have been delayed along with the ngp due to the crisis in japan, atleast thats what im hoping, i dnt think capcom realizes that if they were to make a monster hunter for ps3 or xbox it would be huge"

    Alright. let's imagine that Monster Hunter 3rd is released alongside the Psp Vita in the United States. The question is; should you buy it? I don't think it's right that the western audience had to wait so long for it to release, AND buy new hardware to use the game itself.

  14. All of us in NA love the Monster hunter series, and Capcom knows that...Yet they are selfish and keep it from us :(

  15. you realize they have an xbox monster hunter right? its called monster hunter frontier. its been out for a while, and they STILL make new versions of it, but of course frontier never came out in america, its japan only....damn you capcom!!!

  16. Yes, I am aware of Monster Hunter Frontier, and I knew that game wouldn't make it stateside either.

    : (

  17. my guess is that it will be released near christmas.
    if not, oh well, i have skyrim to play!

    damn you capcom...

  18. I still have hope that it'll come out around christmas time. I loveeeee monster hunter! & im pretty sure everyone else here on this blog thing does too. But if i dont see it on shelves by around 2012. I guess theres always monster hunter tri right? :/ . . .

  19. december 26th will be the day i have given up monster hunter...its been more than a year of waiting and capcom beter make an anoncement soon...:/

  20. "december 26th will be the day i have given up monster hunter...its been more than a year of waiting and capcom beter make an anoncement soon...:/"

    They won't make an announcement. I'll give you two reasons as to why they won't:

    1) They may, or may not care about making an official statement


    2) They have realised the error that has been committed in not providing the public with any sort of information, and have decided to ignore the matter altogether.

  21. Well monster hunter 4 is coming to America. I would of really loved monster hunter portable 3 to come to the states :(

  22. MH4 for the 3DS does not have a set release date for US, or Canada.

  23. so its jan 5 2012 with no sign of mhf3 coming to north america :( all ive read is mh4 is on nintendo 3ds and that nintendo has all monster hunter contracts meaning sony has no rights to release another game i guess that means i should stop crossing fingers and play monster hunter unite till i die. R.I.P Anonymous

  24. May 20, 2012.

    Last year E3 passed and we still had no news about Monster Hunter in the west. Now we are getting close to the this years E3 and only a very few remain with their hopes up. Those hopes are about to be crashed. Again.

  25. It's been announced for the US on the PS Vita

  26. 2013 and still no word of a release date for either the PSP or PS Vita.... =( _/'''|O
