Friday, June 24, 2011

Lionhead to be axed by Microsoft. (Almost there.)

It hasn't happened yet, but you'd have to be a fool not to see it. You heard it here first: Lionhead studios are well on their way of receiving the axe by Microsoft. What would drive me to make such a "wild" assumption?

Most recently, the Carter brothers have left the studio. Normally, this would be seen as them simply leaving to pursue their own agendas. Rightfully so. However, to me this was seen as a massive blow to the studio itself.

Coupled with the fact that their next "great" release is Fable the journey, and you can pretty much do the math yourself. Oh, did I mention that horrid excuse for a game that's titled Fable 3? You can't even take a step without encountering a horrible game destroying glitch. (I literally took a step, and fell through the "floor" into a never ending abyss. Sorry! Reloading the save won't work either!)

So, what's a poor Lionhead to do?

Black & White 3?

NAH! Let's focus on bringing the Fable franchise, and Kinect together!

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