Sunday, June 26, 2011

Child of eden finally receives some spotlight.


It took Microsoft long enough to realize the mistake they have made by not touting this game as something that would be a great experience on the kinect. It was bad enough that they didn't manage to secure it as an exclusive for their console. Microsoft? Seriously? You expect the kinect to appeal to hardcore gamers; without any proof of what it is truly capable of. Instead the kinect is in danger of becoming a safe haven for shovel ware.

So, what spotlight am I talking about? Well, Child of eden was featured on "The kinect show" with it's host Bridget. It almost feels kind of late, but I suppose it's better than nothing. The game is SPECTACULAR; I urge anyone that owns a kinect to run out, and buy it NOW. Instead of picking up garbage like Duke Nukem; support the creative side of the industry, and pick this up.

Sadly, it's my opinion that many a gamer will ignore this great title altogether. Which is the case for most games that try to create something new, and refreshing. Alas, perhaps this game will break that mold, and actually sell decently. Maybe then the kinect will be taken more seriously.

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