Sunday, June 13, 2010

Google-A regrettable investment. (?)

A couple of days back; Google did something. It wasn't something different. It was not something original. It was a backround image.

Much like bing.

I found this to be quite confusing. Google is currently the industry leader in search engines. So, why take your ideas from someone else?

Perhaps, I would of been more tolerant if they backround images were of "bing-grade" quality.

No, they were not. To be honest; most of the images were downright terrible. I wouldn't be surprised if some individuals walked away from their computers with migraines. Yes, that bad.

For those of you who were lucky enough to miss it; I took the liberty of sharing a small tidbit of the horror! (I can be generous.)


Google should act like the industry leader, and not take ideas from others. If they must slap an image on their search engine; I suggest they use this one:

Much better!

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