Wednesday, June 16, 2010

E3 continues.

I'd like to focus more on kinect on this post. Some would say that it's near impossible to make an "hardcore" game for something that is motion-based such as kinect. I myself knew that it would not be an easy task to make a game for the kinect; that would appeal to "hardcore" gamers.

That quickly changed when a certain title was show. Child of eden.

The creator of rez, and lumines has returned, and he's most certainly proven that it IS entirely possible to create a "hardcore" game that would appeal to that specific type of gamer. This video will help.

Ah, but what about casual gamers? Some would enjoy games that are easier to navigate, and easier to enjoy. The difference between these two types of gamers? Well, casual gamers are usually there for the fun. Regardless of the games outcome. Hardcore gamers however; are a more "take no prisoners" sort. They still have fun, but they generally take the outcome of the game more seriously.

While Child of eden is more likely to appeal to the hardcore--something like kinectimals is more likely to appeal to casual gamers.


Cute, is it not?

I find it funny that when some gamers see this; they call it the end of gaming. Certain individuals need to understand that not all games will involve guns, and or shooting things with guns. If such things are not involved; then such items as these are automatically classified as "gay."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

E3 arrives.

Microsoft's E3 presentation was nothing short of spectacular.

Cirque du soleil did more than an excellent job at showing off the potential, and capability of Kinect. (Formally project Natal)

An update to the Xbox 360 has also been unveiled.

I imagine that many ipads exploded at the sight of this sexy new design. Aside from the obvious change; has anything else been updated?

Why yes!

Out of the box it will have these features:

--250 gigabyte hard drive.
--Built in wi-fi. It's 802.011n which is the fastest of any console.
--It's whisper quiet. Apparently alot quieter.
--Kinect ready.
--Sexy gloss finish. Because it's hot.

These are some of the changes that have been announced. Others may be hidden.

Now, onto the games. Aside from the sequels which are going to be great; other titles have managed to grab my attention.

Namely. Zumba fitness for Kinect, and Limbo for Xbox Live arcade. (No video for Zumba yet)

Zumba, because we all need to get better at dancing, and Limbo. Limbo? What's Limbo? Watch this if you please.

The art style is brilliant, and the mood is engaging. Certainly, many people should keep an eye on this one.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Google-A regrettable investment. (?)

A couple of days back; Google did something. It wasn't something different. It was not something original. It was a backround image.

Much like bing.

I found this to be quite confusing. Google is currently the industry leader in search engines. So, why take your ideas from someone else?

Perhaps, I would of been more tolerant if they backround images were of "bing-grade" quality.

No, they were not. To be honest; most of the images were downright terrible. I wouldn't be surprised if some individuals walked away from their computers with migraines. Yes, that bad.

For those of you who were lucky enough to miss it; I took the liberty of sharing a small tidbit of the horror! (I can be generous.)


Google should act like the industry leader, and not take ideas from others. If they must slap an image on their search engine; I suggest they use this one:

Much better!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

BP oil spill.

I'm surprised it took so long for BP to take care of it's oil spill. At one point I even thought they were going to let all of the oil in it's entirety; spill out into the ocean.

After all, we should be honest with ourselves! A company such as BP (Which is worth billions.) is not capable of dealing with such a disaster. They have not the tech know-how, nor the resources in which to deal with such occurrences.



Seriously, the sad part about all of this? They will get away with it.

Oh, and the oil is leaking at this very moment. BP has only manages to deal with a fraction of it. The rest of it will have to reside in the ocean. Oh, but don't you dare blame BP.

It isn't THEIR fault?



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Asus announces Eee pad.

Yes, it's true! Asus has come forward with a contender to the ipad!


Wait. What? It looks like a freakin' ipad! This is exactly what I was talking about! Let's make a copycat of something that's already shit! Woop-dee-doo. It's time for me to bust out my trailing ribbons again! Yay! The specs for this piece of crap are unknown. (For the time being.)

The thing is obviously massive, and any hopes of it actually being portable are slim to none.

Well, it doesn't matter. I'm sure apple will announce a proper follow-up to the ipad. The ipad 3g! Woo! (Garbage)

Even this kitty knows the truth about the ipad. Which makes this kitty; smarter than all current ipad owners.