Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cisco: Faster is better.

Not too long ago; Cisco announced that it has the the tech, and know-how to move massive amounts of data in a small amount of time. One of the examples that has been thrown about is the ability to stream a full-length movie in about four minutes. Naturally, the realist in me thought it was a bunch of hype to something that won't deliver.

However, I can't help but to be excited at the possibilities. IF Cisco manages to pull this off; it will change the internet on so many levels. After all, the internet itself does need a boost. Especially as webpages become more complex, and as an offset; they have longer load times.

There are many more practical applications to this "insanely-fast" internet tech that Cisco is working on, but it may take some time for it to take actual fruition. Let's just hope nothing screws up and everything goes according to plan.

...but hey, nothing ever goes according to plan.

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