Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fusion Genesis: Special Missions FAQ/Guide

In this post; I will discuss special missions, and how to unlock them.

There are three types of special missions.

Note that all special missions can be accessed by pushing the start button. (Once they have been unlocked)

All of the special missions are multiplayer compatible.


The first special mission that you are most likely to unlock is Warzone. This mode can be unlocked by joining either the Dominion, or Revenant Order.

Warzone consists of strategic battle for supply points, and cruiser points. If a supply point is captured; it will allow your comrades to re-join the battle at a much quicker rate. (Assuming they were destroyed in battle)

Once a cruiser point is captured; it will call in a massive cruiser to that location. The cruiser itself is heavily armed, and armored. It will not travel very far from it's original point. On a side note; your comrades will use the battleship for re-deployment. If the cruiser is destroyed; that point will be up for grabs by both teams. (Dominion vs Revenant Order)

The ultimate goal is to destroy the enemies battleship. The battleship is located within the enemies main base, and is not to be taken lightly at all; as it wields tremendous offensive, and defensive powers. To make matters worse, enemies usually deploy at that specific location. Make sure you have plenty of reinforcements (supply points), and cruiser support before tackling this great objective. (Note: A cruiser can be called within the enemy base; so long as you have captured one other cruiser point in the map.)

You receive Warzone points for participating. These points can be redeemed for powerful weapons. (More points will be given if you win.)

Legion Raid:

Legion Raid can be unlocked by completed the main storyline quests that are provided by Judah at Alpha station.

In Legion Raid; players are tasked with protecting a base from waves of relentless Legion attacks. There are some items of interest that I will cover:

Reinforcement point: These points will be used to call in reinforcements, and upgrade turrets. They appear as stations with a pulsating white circle around them. Press the a button to access them.

Turrets: These are your main line of defense. The can be upgraded twice using the reinforcement points. If a turret is destroyed; repair them as soon as possible.

Supply Points: Supply points are the currency of this special mission You will use them for deploying reinforcements, and upgrading your turrets. Supply points are acquired by repairing turrets, or when a supply ship successfully leave the location. Supply ships are deployed by the main station you are protecting. It is your job to secure their safe passage. If they are destroyed; you will not receive their supply point. After a set time; the station will deploy other supply ships. (Regardless of what happened to the previous ships)

Reinforcements: These can be deployed by using supply points.

Summon Fighter: Deploys a fighter to the area.

Summon Cargo ship: Deploys a cargo ship to the area. Much stronger than a fighter

Summon Cruiser: Deploys a cruiser to the area. The most powerful unit that can be deployed. The unit is slow, but has enough firepower to make up for it. Only one cruiser can be deployed at a time.

Launch Station Security: Once used; the main station will deploy several lightly armored units that will defend the station. After a while; they will return into the station. This should be used if enemies are getting too close to the station. (Mostly useful against Legion Dreadnoughts)

You receive Legion Raid points for participating. These points can be redeemed for powerful weapons. (More points will be given if you win.)

Ark Raid: This is the hardest special mission to unlock. You must complete the main storyline to access this.

The Ark Raid special mission is considered to be the toughest special mission.(I'd say toughest mission in the whole game)

In Ark Raid; the player will travel through different sectors. In these sectors; you will face enemies of tremendous power. You must prepare yourself with your greatest weapons, and a ship that will be suitable for different types of obstacles.

Usually; you will have to rid an area of all the enemies; before you proceed to the next area.

This special mission is a great challenge, and it offers a superb amount of experience points, but keep in mind that there are some boss type enemies that will likely destroy your ship in mere seconds. Develop a proper strategy before tackling this special mission.

You receive Ark Raid points for participating. These points can be redeemed for powerful weapons. (More points will be given if you win.)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Goodbye Megaman

When it was announced that Keji Inafune was leaving Capcom; I, and other fans were quite sure that Capcom would continue to expand on the Megaman franchise.

It seemed that way.

After his departure; Capcom began the systematic abandonment of several Megaman projects. Most notably, Megaman Legends 3, and Megaman Universe.

It is my opinion that Capcom will eventually phase out the blue bomber completely.


It's not in Capcoms interests to continue making Megaman games. All of their attention is being poured into much more lucrative projects.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Microsofts next console "The loop"

I will start off this blog post by typing something in continous caps lock.


Why? Well, there are more than a few reasons, but I'll cover the obvious.

Hardware: The hardware itself has become constricted to developers. This leads to developers toning down titles that rely heavily on superb graphics to create fascinating worlds with actual substance to them.

The PS3: Sony's console has finally managed most of the issues that prevented it from hitting a collective stride. In doing so; it will catch up to the Xbox 360, and eventually surpass it. It would be in Microsofts best interest; to launch their next machine in a sizeable timeframe before Sony's own plans for the PS4 begin to manifest.

Reveal it at CES 2012.

It's either this, or you can go back to square one.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fusion Genesis: Sentient FAQ/Guide

This is a guide for Sentients within the game "Fusion Genesis" for the Xbox 360. The game is a downloadable title on Xbox live arcade.

This guide will cover the "Sentient" aspect of the game.

Sentients are small AI driven comrades that accompany your ship, and provide invaluable support in more than a few ways.

First; a look at the main types of Sentients available.

--Tank Sentient

The Tank Sentient features defensive buffs that can help the players main ship become a collective fortress. If the Sentient identifies any threat; it will go on the offensive with it's concentrated beam-like weapon.

Tank Sentient Skill list: Skills can be upgraded by allocating skill points.

Shield Short: This skill will allow your Tank Sentient to nullify enemy shields for a specified amount of time.

Taunt: The Sentient will become the main focus of all enemy threats.

Tractor Beam: Sentient will shoot a beam that will stop an enemy in it's tracks.

Armor Increase: Sentient will send out an ion beam that will absorb a percentage of damage for a specific amount a time. This beam can also be used on nearby friendly units.

Shield Regeneration: Increases shield regeneration rate by a percentage.

--Healer Sentient

The Healer Sentient repairs the players ship. It can be used in many different strategies. When threatened; this Sentient will use homing missiles.

Healer Sentient Skill list: Skills can be upgraded by allocating skill points.

Repair: Once activated; the Healer Sentient will repair the hull, and reboot shields.

Recharge: Recharges bot your own shield, and that of any units within the vicinity.

Knockback: The Sentient will keep enemies from getting too close.

Energise: Increases the energy capacity of all nearby friendly units.

Hull Regeneration: Increases hull regeneration rate by a percentage.

--DPS Sentient

The DPS Sentient is an offensive Sentient. When alerted, it will fight back with a rapid fire double-laser.

DPS Sentient Skill list: Skills can be upgraded by allocating skill points.

Primary Weapon: Increases the power of the Sentients main weapon.

Power Weapon: Increases the power of the Sentients secondary weapon.

Disable: Negates an enemies ability to use special abilities for a specific amount of time.

Damage Increase: Increases the damage of nearby friendly units by a percentage, and time.

Energy Rengeration: Increases the regeneration rate of the players ship by a percentage.

This covers the skills that are exclusive to each Sentient. However, there are three more skills that can be used by all three types of Sentients.

They are as follows:

Mining: The Sentient will mine whenever it is given the chance. If this skill is upgraded; it will allow the Sentient to mine at a faster rate.

Looting: The Sentient will seek out items that are within it's range. Once upgraded; the Sentient will seek out items that are at greater distance from it. (In example; if the player destroys an enemy ship, and it drops any item; if the Sentient is within range it will quickly move towards it, and recover it.)

Trading: This skill will allow your Sentient to sell the contents of your cargo. It will travel to the nearest station, and sell the items. If upgraded; the Sentient will complete this task at a much quicker rate.

All Sentients can be given three specific commands. Aggressive, defensive, and passive.

Aggressive: Sentient will actively seek out enemies.

Defensive: Sentient will engage the enemy if the player, or itself are attacked.

Passive: Sentient will not engage enemies at all.

----Feeding crystals to your Sentient----

It seems as though the game is a bit vague on this information; so I will cover the basics on how to increase a Sentients stats via crystal feeding.

Crystals can be found in just about every mineable item in the game. There are four types of basic crystals; blue, red, green, and yellow. After you have collected a decent number of each basic crystal type; you can begin to combine them, and create black crystals. Black crystals are used to upgrade your Sentients stats, and attributes.

Remember to access these important menu items by pushing the back button. Once you are on the menu; push the left thumbstick, and highlight the Sentient Section on the bottom left portion of the menu. This will lead you into another menu. Once there; you will see a section titled "CRYSTALS" highlight it, and press the "a" button. You will now be able to toggle the auto-feed option. It is my suggestion to turn it off.

Next, highlight the Sentients portion of this same menu. You will see a list of your currently owned Sentients. Push the "a" button, and select one of them. This will lead you to yet another menu. From this menu, you will be able to set the Set the Sentients mood, it's slot location, and allocate skill/stat/attribute points.

Before all of this; you must create black crystals. These are used to feed the Sentient itself; thus giving points for distribution. To create a black crystal; highlight the bottom left portion of this menu, and push "a" then pull either the left, or right trigger. Use the d-pad until "Create black crystal" is highlighted, and push the a button.

A black crystal has now been created. However, the process is not yet complete. You must now feed this black crystal to your Sentient. Highlight, and press a on the "Crystal" section of this menu. You can now select individual crystals, and feed your Sentient manually. Doing so will increase it's overall level. Next; scroll down to the black crystal that was created, and push a. You can push left, and right on the d-pad to select the desired amount of black crystals that you wish to feed to your Sentient.

Push a one more time, and you will recieve a prompt. Choose yes to feed your Sentient the black crystals. You will now have points to allocate in the "Stats" portion of this menu. Highlight, and distribute these points as you see fit.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

CastleMiner Z (Xbox Live Indie Games)

CastleMiner Z is the latest in a series of block building games that has hit the Xbox Live Indie games section.

I was skeptical at first, but this game is indeed something different. Ideas are borrowed from Minecraft itself, but what sets this game apart is the survival element. You MUST find better tools, build a shelter, and craft better weapons in a bid to survive. If you do not; the price of being neglectful will be steep. You will be marauded by endless waves of zombies, and other baddies.

This is what I admire about this game the most. The way it forces you to survive. To me; building a giant fortress is not the number one priority in this game. Survival.

Currently there a three game modes: All of them can be played online with three other people. (Another fantastic feature to this Indie Game)


My mode of preference. The main goal is to travel across the vast landscape, and rack up distance. It may seems simple, but it can become quite the opposite. I enjoy scoping the landscape in a bid to find a suitable location to build, spend the night, and be safe from the incoming mass of zombies. It also forces the player to seek out valueable ores are of great use in making new weapons, and tools.


The object of survival is simply that. Build a suitable shelter, make powerful weapons, and fight nack against the zombie hordes. Once you have built a massive fortress; it can get kind of boring. Which is why I prefer endurance.


In freebuild; the play can build anything they wish; without worrying about the zombie hordes. This mode is great if you'd prefer to build locations, and the like.

It doesn't end there. No, not at all!

Updates are planned for this game, and they aren't just bug fixes.

These are some items that are currently planned for the 1.01 update:

-Storage chests.

-All items, and weapons will remain in your inventory after exiting the game.

It may seem trivial, but this is the first of several updates. Not to mention that they make the game THAT much better.

All in all, I'm glad that CastleMiner Z has brought something different to the table. If you own an Xbox 360; this is an absolute buy. It's only 240 Microsoft points(three dollars), and is located in the indie games section of Xbox Live.

What are you waiting for?